10 Banned Foods Americans Should Stop Eating Infographic

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Certain harmful additives, growth promoters, genetically engineered (GE) ingredients, and more are already banned in other countries – why are they still being added to foods sold in America?

Check out this infographic to learn 10 banned foods that Americans should stop consuming – what products they’re usually found in, and the many different health risks they entail.

There is little doubt that in terms of quality, much of the food sold in the United States lags behind those sold in other ...

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Hidden Dangers in Personal Care Products

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Promoting optimal skin health requires watching what you eat and what you put on your skin. You should know that personal care products resting on supermarket and pharmacy shelves may not be as safe as you probably think. In fact, many of them contain parabens, triclosan, phthalates, and thousands of chemicals that can lead to poor skin health, hormonal problems, and even cancer.

Unfortunately, the majority of these ingredients are not reviewed or regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ...

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Fructose Overload Infographic

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Do you know how much sugar you’re consuming every day? Not many people are aware of it, but massive amounts of fructose, some in the form of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), lurk in many of the processed foods they eat daily. Fructose – sweet, delicious, and addictive as it is – has detrimental effects on your health, leading to conditions like diabetes, obesity, heart disease, and other chronic diseases.

Beware of Foods That Contain Toxic Amounts of Fructose!

Sweet, tasty, and ...

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High-Fructose Corn Syrup Special Report

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HFCSThere is no shortage of sugar in the 21 doughnuts, candy, and sugary drinks, to the less obvious, which now include most every processed food on the shelf at the supermarket.

It is probably no mystery that sugar is not good for you as I have been documenting the scientific dangers of sugar for many years. In fact after reviewing the evidence of the damage ...

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9 Unhealthy Foods to Avoid Infographic

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With the countless food products available on supermarket shelves today, how do you separate the ones that are good for you from those that can wreak havoc on your health? Here’s the shocking fact: many unhealthy foods are actually masquerading as “healthy foods”… and you may be unknowingly stocking them in your food cabinet and feeding them to your family!

Check out my infographic “9 Unhealthy Foods to Avoid” now – it features a list of unhealthy foods that I advise ...

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Ultimate GMO Guide

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ultimateGMO cover

If you’re a very stringent shopper, or if you are very careful about choosing the types of food you feed to your family, then you’ve probably come across the term “GMO” – genetically modified organisms. Chances are you’ve seen labels of foods with the caption “GMO-Free” or “No GMOs.” Or you might have seen news reports about ...

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6 Key Benefits to Strength Training by Alex & Ashley Poptodorov

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A&A Wellness2953

There are so many incredible benefits to strength training. When most of our clients initially come to us for coaching and personal training they are surprised to find out that we do not incorporate ‘running’ into our routine. You see, strength training offers so many benefits that after 45 minutes to an hour you can experience great carry ...

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Gain Control of Your Health: 6 things to start doing immediately- Ashley Poptodorova

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Hi Fitness friends and health buffs!
Alex and I wanted to provide you with our top 5 things that you can start doing immediately to gain control of your health. Remember, being healthy is so much more than just hitting the gym! It is about how you feed, nourish and care for your body. The overall “healthy lifestyle” is a must. ...

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Practical Ways to Positively Change Your Daily Habits to Achieve Success

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Daily habits. We all have them. What do your daily habits say about you? Organized? Disorganized? Driven? Structured? Successful? Haphazard?
One thing I learned early on in my journey to getting healthy is that my DAILY ROUTINE had to improve. I had to selectively replace bad habits with healthy habits. I had to change my day to day routine ...

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